Excluding words such as these will result in much more accurate results. When searching for CarveWright Designer do not include words such as serial, number, key, license, code, etc. If you OPEN & SAVE a project in Designer PRO, it is NOT BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE to earlier Designer versions.Note that whichever software was installed last will be used when double-clicking projects, patterns, etc.If your computer currently has a version of the Project Designer Software installed that is Version 1.182 or earlier (older), then you must first REMOVE THAT INSTALLATION through your Control Panel’s add/remove programs item.Designer BASIC (1.183+), Designer PRO 2 (2.00x+), and Designer PRO 3 (3.00x+) can all be installed on your computer simultaneously, although only one version can run at a time.
Educational licenses have 5 installations available and must be registered as an educational institution. There are 2 Installations available of each Project Designer License for regular consumers.